Classroom 1
Located on Floor 1
Classroom 2
Located on Floor 2
Classroom 3
Located on Floor 3
10-11amA History of Sex ToysIntroduction to Archery
11am -12pmAccess to Opportunities for Young Adults in the SCA: A Guided DiscussionChristmas Carols: PracticeFeasts and Fasts: A liturgical guide to eating in Great Britain
12 – 1pm Lunch Break
1-2pmLaugh and Lie Down: A Period English Card Game Nicholas of Myra: Man, Myth, and LegendDrafting Geometric Patterns for Medievalists
2-3pmChainmail dice bagBanner Making the Applique WayIntro to calligraphy 
3-4pmMy Ukulele is a (Renaissance 4-Course) Guitar)

Classroom 1

A History of Sex Toys – Taught by: Rosie Dubroc
Since prehistoric times, people have been using objects to satisfy their sexual desires or enhance their sexual experiences with their partner. This class explores the origins of the adult toys available today.

Age restriction: 18+

Access to Opportunities for Young Adults in the SCA: A Guided Discussion – Taught by: Nasira al-Zarqa bint Ivaz 
This guided discussion will address the bias against young adults and second generation members in the SCA while introducing the concept of creating experiential opportunities for young adults to give them access to local/regional/kingdom positions in order to facilitate the continuation of the SCA. The class will be in a lecture/discussion format and questions/ideas are encouraged! 

Laugh and Lie Down: A Period English Card Game 

Chainmail dice bag – Taught by: Matthew Ducat + Debra Mansor
Class Fee: 10$
Age restriction: 15
Make and take chainmail dice bag. Choose your own colors. Over a dozen colors available.This class will teach European 4 in one. Parts of the bag will be pre-made for time constraints. Class size limit 8. Class takes up to 2 hours. 

Classroom 2

Introduction to Archery – Taught by: Slany bean Uillic
Discussion of the basics of how to shoot archery in the SCA. We will discuss bows, arrows, rules and aiming.

Christmas Carols: Practice

Nicholas of Myra: Man, Myth, and Legend – Taught by: Sáerbrethach mac Áeducáin
From stories of charity and miracles to our modern “Santa Claus”, Saint Nicholas has inspired countless tales, all with varying degrees of truth, but who really was he?

Banner Making the Applique Way – Taught by: THL Jolicia atte Northclyfe
Class Fee: 1$
Age restriction: May be boring for those under 10
Learn ways to turn your SCA device into an attractive and sturdy banner using applique techniques. The use of banners in period will be briefly discussed. Students should already have a kingdom-approved device; heraldry rules are beyond the scope of this class. Basic knowledge of sewing and embroidery is a plus but not required. Class is discussion, not hands-on. 

My Ukulele is a (Renaissance 4-Course) Guitar) – Taught by: Tommaso Franceschi, OL
While the ukulele has a fairly well-documented 19th Century instrument, its ancestry reaches back to the Reconquista era in Spain, with an extensive, challenging repertoire surviving from Period sources from Spain and France.  Come learn this history of this fascination instrument.

Thematically, the “gittern” as it was called in England appears extensively in Customs and Probate documents from Tudor-era England.  The “Langham Letter” suggests that even back then, guitarists got all the ladies…

Classroom 3

Feasts and Fasts: A liturgical guide to eating in Great Britain – Taught by: Dorothea de Beckham
What’s for dinner? Seasons and traditions surrounding food in Great Britain from Roman to Renaissance times. The broad focus will be on the Christian liturgical calendars with comparisons to a variety of local traditions.

Drafting Geometric Patterns for Medievalists  – Taught by: Dorothea de Beckham
Using Roman England floor mosaics and the new Yule wall panel as starting points, this workshop will go over tips and tricks for drawing up plans and scaling for SCA projects. All materials provided

Intro to Calligraphy  – Taught by: Otto Kukelbrecht
Class Fee: 5$ donation suggested
Want to make pretty scrolls?  Come on in to learn the very basics of calligraphy!  We’ll go over what pens to use, how to hold them, how to use an Ames Lettering Guide, and how to make your first few letters!